Bernard Vandeuren’s Frame for Mexican Modernist Painting by Ramos Martinez Achieves Perfect Balance
One of the paintings currently on exhibit at the Pasadena Museum of California Art is philanthropist Dwight Stuart’s “La Iglesia de Texcoco” by Mexican modernist Ramos Martinez. It is remarkable not only for the subject matter. but also for the hand carved frame that surrounds the canvas.
The frame was created by Bernard Vandeuren, one of the country’s leading archival framers. Bernard Vandeuren’s legacy will be meticulously researched and crafted frames, such as the one in this Martinez art exhibition, which he and his team of artisans create and produce for priceless paintings owned by today’s collectors and museums and sold by high profile dealers.
One of the paintings at current exhibition at the Pasadena Museum of California Art is Philanthropist Dwight Stuart’s “La Iglesia de Texcoco” by Mexican Modernist Ramos Martinez is remarkable not only for the subject matter but also for the hand-carved frame that surrounds the canvas. The frame was created by Bernard Vandeuren, one of the country’s leading archival framers.Bernard Vandeuren’s legacy will be the meticulously researched and crafted frames, such as the one in this Martinez art exhibition, which he and his team of artisans create and produce for priceless paintings owned by today’s collectors and museums and sold by high profile dealers. – See more at: http://robbreport.com/LuxuryNewswire/art-collectibles/bernard-vandeurens-frame-mexican-modernist-painting-ramos-martinez#sthash.xSYc7oRB.dpuf
One of the paintings at current exhibition at the Pasadena Museum of California Art is Philanthropist Dwight Stuart’s “La Iglesia de Texcoco” by Mexican Modernist Ramos Martinez is remarkable not only for the subject matter but also for the hand-carved frame that surrounds the canvas. The frame was created by Bernard Vandeuren, one of the country’s leading archival framers.Bernard Vandeuren’s legacy will be the meticulously researched and crafted frames, such as the one in this Martinez art exhibition, which he and his team of artisans create and produce for priceless paintings owned by today’s collectors and museums and sold by high profile dealers. – See more at: http://robbreport.com/LuxuryNewswire/art-collectibles/bernard-vandeurens-frame-mexican-modernist-painting-ramos-martinez#sthash.xSYc7oRB.dpuf
One of the paintings at current exhibition at the Pasadena Museum of California Art is Philanthropist Dwight Stuart’s “La Iglesia de Texcoco” by Mexican Modernist Ramos Martinez is remarkable not only for the subject matter but also for the hand-carved frame that surrounds the canvas. The frame was created by Bernard Vandeuren, one of the country’s leading archival framers.Bernard Vandeuren’s legacy will be the meticulously researched and crafted frames, such as the one in this Martinez art exhibition, which he and his team of artisans create and produce for priceless paintings owned by today’s collectors and museums and sold by high profile dealers. – See more at: http://robbreport.com/LuxuryNewswire/art-collectibles/bernard-vandeurens-frame-mexican-modernist-painting-ramos-martinez#sthash.xSYc7oRB.dpuf
One of the paintings at current exhibition at the Pasadena Museum of California Art is Philanthropist Dwight Stuart’s “La Iglesia de Texcoco” by Mexican Modernist Ramos Martinez is remarkable not only for the subject matter but also for the hand-carved frame that surrounds the canvas. The frame was created by Bernard Vandeuren, one of the country’s leading archival framers.Bernard Vandeuren’s legacy will be the meticulously researched and crafted frames, such as the one in this Martinez art exhibition, which he and his team of artisans create and produce for priceless paintings owned by today’s collectors and museums and sold by high profile dealers. – See more at: http://robbreport.com/LuxuryNewswire/art-collectibles/bernard-vandeurens-frame-mexican-modernist-painting-ramos-martinez#sthash.xSYc7oRB.dpuf
One of the paintings at current exhibition at the Pasadena Museum of California Art is Philanthropist Dwight Stuart’s “La Iglesia de Texcoco” by Mexican Modernist Ramos Martinez is remarkable not only for the subject matter but also for the hand-carved frame that surrounds the canvas. The frame was created by Bernard Vandeuren, one of the country’s leading archival framers.Bernard Vandeuren’s legacy will be the meticulously researched and crafted frames, such as the one in this Martinez art exhibition, which he and his team of artisans create and produce for priceless paintings owned by today’s collectors and museums and sold by high profile dealers. – See more at: http://robbreport.com/LuxuryNewswire/art-collectibles/bernard-vandeurens-frame-mexican-modernist-painting-ramos-martinez#sthash.xSYc7oRB.dpuf
Bernard Vandeuren’s Frame for Mexican Modernist Painting by Ramos Martinez Achieves Perfect Balance | Robb Report – The Global Luxury Source.